Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Miracle

It's like a whole month of period since we saw Herbie carrying her big lump. I was a little worried about her when I was out-stationed and the hams being under co-owner's care. However, to our surprises, a miracle happened.

Herbie managed to nurse herself back. The big lump at her belly reduced to just a 1/4 of the original size! We didn't do much of the treatment though. Wow, she is not called Herbivorous for no reason! My little Herbie at least feel more engergetic and now she is let loose to run freely in the room (previously I confined her to her cage). I hope she will have more good time with us.

Meanwhile, her recent photo (taken by handphone because co-owner refused to take out his SLR from his drybox!).

She's quite scrawny now. Eat much lesser, but at least she is still well.


Paula RB. said...

Good to have happy news!
My prayers were heard...

Kisses on Herbie =0***

MoB said...

this is great news. Am glad that such miracles happen. Btw, i think Herbie looks exactly like my winterwhites! hahaha

kisetsu said...

This is something first I've seen. Most of my hamsters will not be able to survive when they have tumors. Surprised she managed to nurse herself back.

Haha, she is a sapphire ww. In a way, they are all quite similar. =D

wiffy said...

this is happy news! Herbie is a fighter and she looks very cute ^o^

kisetsu said...

Our very first encounter. But she is still battling with this lumps and tumors. I would think if I go to the vet, they will definitely convince to put her down which I feel Herbie will not want.