Sunday, June 28, 2009

Name Callings

The hammies here lived with two nasty owners. And over time, the two owners gave some of them nasty nicknames. This generation of hammies gotten all the lousy nicks. They're definitely not happy about it.

Robbie & Rubie - Lob & Lube

Cherry - Cherry Monster

Spritez - Playpen Monster

Scratch - King of Poop

Hermie - Pirate of the Caribbean

Kopi - Kopi YoYo

Earl Grey - Dancing Mousey

Ringo chan - Fat chan

Baby Mott - Mogi

Hamlet - Big Girl

Sleepy Mott

Remember this?

This is exactly what happened between co-owner and Baby Mott.

And this is the result....

Maybe like Hamleto, I should submit this photo to a contest and see if we could win. HaHa. :D

Playpen Amusements

Sometimes when the hammies are in the playpen, they exhibits amazing expressions. I think they are really happy. :)

Hermie (blur blur face)

Scratch (startle face)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Angry Mott

"I am telling you, stop picking me up and down!"

Not very happy eh?

Hamster Igloo

We all know Hamlet is the hamster version of Picasso since day one. Till now, she still fascinates us with all her masterpieces. Behold, her latest creation. The Hamster Igloo.

And her hideout is really functional. See, it's really hollow inside that fits her snuggly!

She's really gifted! :)

A Very Stunned Hammie

This was taken when Scratch is still a little baby. Right now, Scratch is actually a very grown up hammie. He really resembles Mochi.

Cute right? But guess what was he doing when I took this photo.

He was actually 'stoning'. =.="