Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Granpa Chiko

I love Chiko. <3 He is the father of all our hamsters. He was also a grandpa too. It's sad that he never had the chance to see his grand kids because they were born at someone else's place and the kids were given to a petshop. :( Despite being a gramps, he is still strong and healthy. He really got good genes and we really hope that his genes will continue in the bloodline. My poor Chiko lives monotonously alone eversince his beloved mate Naughty passed on.

Chiko mousey, this is the 3rd year you are with us for Christmas. I wish you well and stay healthy. I hope you'll stay happy while we continue to provide you the love and care which now Naughty could not. She should be happy up at Sunflower Valley looking down on you. You two are so lovey dovey that death parted the both of you. We here however wish you could be with us forever.


Anonymous said...

Hi I am wiffy, thanks for linking to my blog & hamster site ;)

It's so sweet that Chiko has spent the 3rd Christmas with you. I wish him a long life and lots more love. Happy 2008!

Anonymous said...

Hi Wiffy, thanks for the well-wishes. :)