Sunday, February 1, 2009

When R & R Fights

Robbie & Rubie, affectionately known as Lob & Lub, have a love & hate relationship together. The two robos have been staying together for like 7mths already, but everyday there will be an internal fight between them. It's their way to show 'who's boss'.

*drumroll - Huang Fei Hong-*

The two will involve in a game of pushing when their paths cross. Both hams will stand up on their hind legs and begin pushing each other. The one who falls behind first is the loser and have to give way to the winner who plunge on top of the loser. There's no dominant one though. Sometimes Lob wins, sometimes Lub wins. And this have become their very lives. :)

*Round One - Fight*


Anonymous said...

Aawww that's exactly like my RC dwarfs who are sisters; they've lived together since day 1, but fight once in awhile to show who's boss.
I don't like hearing the squeaking noises they make .. always worry me that one of them will get hurt.

Anonymous said...

The R & R do not squeak. Not a sound from them, but yeah, they are fighting.

Now, the most squeaks come from the Band of Brothers. Notti Earl Grey and Kopi fight alot these days. But when I checked on them, no injuries. So I guess they should be fine.

wiffy said...

maybe they bond thru their little fights lol ... my rc sisters used to fight every day too, but they mellowed when they were old and were all very close throughout their lives.

Anonymous said...

In the years of Chiko's generations, all fights are nasty. Thus we will get very worried when we heard squeaks. But I guess, the robos and Band of Bros are good. Hope so. =.=

snowbear-bear said...

CuTe hamsters u got there!!! I wish i bought a robo... and by the way, if u wanna see my hamsters, go to ok? It's like a hamster friendster!!! And of u go check it out, add my hamster : Snowball, Frosty, Blackie or Goldie k?