Along with him are his mother-in-law, wife Oreo and friend Vivi. Oreo sure looked happy playing in the playpen. Tardy went around for while and soon (as usual) gotten bored.
Little cookie on the cosy armchair
Vivi is significantly bigger and heavier. Co-owner hoard over her for a long time before passing to me. Little Vivi is so tame that she could sit so still in my lap. Retardy's MIL was happily playing with Hamlet and teasing her until I could see Hamlet going: "Help help" when she was being squashed. Haha."Viva la Vivi!"
"We are never gonna have a guinea piggy." Much to co-owner's dismay and the hammies' pleasure.
"Haha, someone got peed at." (^__^)
"Never mind, the soiled section on the bed is on the side where you sleep. Not my problem."
Muahahaha, I got the last laugh. :)