Apart from collecting rearing hamsters, the Hamsty owner also likes to collect hamster related stuff. Like the hammies, I too likes to hoard. (^.^) So yesterday when I passed by the figurines shop, I suddenly had the urge to go in and take a look to see if they have any new input of the hamster figurine that I missed previously. Lo behold! They had! I had been looking for it since many years. The last time they had on display, I hesitated and it was gone. This time round, it came as a set with other animals and I bought it despite I don't need the rest.
This current one has the walnut as food. The previous one was sunflower seed and it was so cute. Oh well, at least I have it. Too much bluetack though.

Around this month, our local 7-11 convenience store also sold these cute little Zhu-Zhu hamsters figurines. It's like gachapon, there are 18 designs but I decided 4 is enough and I'm lucky to select different ones each time. =D

Apart from this, a little showcase of my hamster-related hoards.

The Sylvanian Hamster Family dolls. This reminds me of the Chiko/Naughty generations of hammies. This was brought during the Hamsty era as a symbol of the Hamsty generations.
Hamster stickers and scrub-ons. These manga-likes stickers are really cute and so difficult to find. I still refuse to use them. =D 
Hamster tissues. I stumbled upon them in Daiso ($2 cheap shop). It has been in my stash for many years. Co-owner kept on exclaiming: "Use them already, it's just tissues for godsake!" But the whole pack is still unopened as of now. =p

Ooh, and not forgetting the books I have about hamsters. I love to read and like the hammies, I'm curious too. -__-"